Due to a not defined color format in the base class ctrlStructuredText the error "Wrong color format" is logged to the rpt when creating a control with ctrlCreate. On another note this also makes the use of links inside this type of control unappealing as they look just like normal text. Also affects controls which inherit from it w/o adjusting the below:
class ctrlStructuredText: ctrlDefaultText { type=13; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; size="4.32 * (1 / (getResolution select 3)) * pixelGrid * 0.5"; text=""; class Attributes { align="left"; color="#ffffff"; colorLink=""; size=1; font="RobotoCondensedLight"; }; onCanDestroy=""; onDestroy=""; };
When setting the colorLink attribute to a valid hex color it works fine. Creating new controls is still not possible.
EDIT - The crash turned out to be of another origin (for some reason when using ctrlCreate with ctrlEdit base class). Edited the task accordingly.