Force feeding is currently overpowered and can be done without the recipient having a chance to avoid being force fed.
Force feeding human meat can ruin the gameplay experience of the recipient player by giving the player Kuru.
It appears the threshold for catching Kuru from eating human meat was recently lowered substantially. It currently appears possible to catch Kuru from eating just one tiny bite of one piece of human meat.
Hence there is significant potential for griefing (i.e. exploiting a gameplay mechanic that is unfair and unbalanced). Force feeding human meat is a stealthy way to very easily ruin the gameplay of any nearby player.
The force feeding mechanic needs an overhaul: the recipient should be given the option to resist being force fed, or at least be notified very prominently (it is not possible to force feed somebody by stealth in the real world). In the short term, the threshold for catching Kuru should be returned to a much higher amount of human meat consumption, so that stealthy force-feeder cannot grief other players so easily.