In the Eden Editor, selecting the Black camouflage for the Qilin (Unarmed) and Qilin (Minigun) causes the following script error:
22:50:36 Error in expression <if ((tolower _x) find (_currentTextures select _foreachindex) < 0) exitwith {_se>
22:50:36 Error position: <select _foreachindex) < 0) exitwith {_se>
22:50:36 Error Zero divisor
22:50:36 File A3\functions_f_mark\Vehicles\fn_getVehicleCustomization.sqf [BIS_fnc_getVehicleCustomization], line 28
The vehicle appears to work normally and the editor's functionality is not impaired. The black camouflage is applied as expected.
The Pacific variants of these vehicles also produce this error when Black camo is selected.
The new Qilin (AT) does not produce the error, with either the Pacific or Mediterranean variants.
This issue does not seem to appear on Stable branch.