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Profiles stopped being recognized in game
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Hi there. I’ve been having an issue the last 3 days where upon entering the game, my profiles list becomes empty and the game greets me as a first time player (I have almost 2300 hours in game). After verifying my game files, and also seeing if the recent platform hotfix for 1.80 would fix this (neither did), I decided to completely uninstall and reinstall the game.

After reinstalling, I verified I had a new default profile. Then, I created a brand new second one, exited the game, and copy/pasted my old profile over the Other Profiles section.

You can see screenshots of my profile paths here:

I completely closed and opened the game several times and my profiles were being recognized just fine again. I had assumed the reinstall fixed whatever the issue was. I updated a mission I made on Steam, and again closed and opened the game. And again all was well.

I opened the editor and made a brand new mission. I saved it in the editor several times (the game told me my mission was being saved). Upon exiting the game, I noticed in my missions folder in my profile in My Documents that the mission wasn’t there (all my old ones were but the new one never saved). So I loaded up the game, and yet again Arma greets me as a new player and none of my profiles are in the profile list in game. It’s completely blank (see screenshots in thread above).

Yet as you can see in the screenshots, the profiles are still in the proper path, it’s just the game doesn’t recognize them.

Here is my profile:


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Most current I can get exact version number if needed
Game Profiles
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

The only thing that happened between my profile working, and not being recognized, was one of my Arma 3 subscriptions on Steam Workshop updated. Although I doubt a mod update caused this, other than trying to make and save a new mission, it’s the only other variable that occurred that I can think of.

Event Timeline

I want to thank Yxman for taking the time to assist me here via Steam chat. So the issue apparently was Arma suddenly not being able to read or write or see my Arma 3 Documents folders, as seen in the client rpt.

He suggested I make a new profile on my PC and see if things began working again and so far, so good.

This comment was removed by HeroesandvillainsOS.
Wulf closed this task as Resolved.Dec 11 2017, 10:21 AM
Wulf claimed this task.
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.

Thank you for letting us know. I will mark this as resolved, though I will dig further why this even happened.

HeroesandvillainsOS added a comment.EditedDec 12 2017, 4:12 AM


Can I get this reopened? It’s not solved. The problem is back even though it was working for a few hours the other day just fine. This was with a fresh account on my PC, a fresh game install, and brand new Documents folder and brand new game profile as well (I did not copy/paste any old files this time).

My rpt is still saying it can’t find my Documents folder. Weird issue. I’m wiping my PC and reinstalling Windows. I’m really out of any other ideas.

Wulf reopened this task as New.Dec 12 2017, 10:26 AM

Ha now my internet won’t work after reinstalling Windows 10. Lol. Man the stuff I do for this game. I’ll be back if I can ever figure this out. Stay tuned.

Wulf added a comment.Dec 13 2017, 2:23 PM

This is really odd as I have not received other reports of this happening. it could be something very specific.

Please upload your rpts here so that I can have a look as well.

Also could you please zip your profile and upload it here? Thank you.

Lex added a subscriber: Lex.EditedDec 13 2017, 3:08 PM

@Wulf This problem exists, from the times Arma2, and is reproduced in Arma3. The problem with most players is rare. Nevertheless, when it has occurred at me the first time, I began to duplicate the folder with a profile. Sometimes creation of a new profile rewrites existing, and nullifies a configuration of settings and contents of preservations. It occurred, generally after incorrect completion of work of arma.exe (sometimes incorrect completion of work of process didn't report about a problem), only the new start of a game suggested to create settings, as in the first start. It occurred on any OS - XP/7/8/10. For me it happened 1-2 times for half a year.

@Wulf Only last night was I able to get Windows running properly. Now I need to download the game again, then make some profile changes (I have no choice honestly. My keyboard doesn’t have a number pad, so I can’t leave it on default settings), then give it a day or two to see if Arma stops communicating with my Documents. I’m actually kind of hoping even with the fresh OS and game install I’m able to replicate this, that way it can be fixed before development on the game fully ceases.

In the event it occurs again, I’ll post the profile and client rpt file. I’ll post back here either way after I have at least a few evenings with the game.

Thanks for the replies. I’ll be back in a couple days.

@Wulf oh hey I forgot I had put a client rpt showing the Documents error on my Dropbox 4 days ago when Yxman was helping me out:

And this is a profile I put there 5 days ago when the issue began:

Please note: Since the time of the above files, I have also tried completely reinstalling Arma and using a totally new Windows profile and game profile - one without the “scripts” folder you’ll see in the profile folder above - where I only changed graphics settings and keybinds, also while using the default primary profile location (Arma 3 instead of Arma 3 - Other Profiles) and the same exact issue and rpt error still occurred.

I am currently installing Arma on a clean Windows install as we speak so I’ll keep you posted. I just wanted to share these files with you in the event you see something out of place on your end.