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Can't launch the game (memory issue?)
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Everytime i start the game i get the following massage:

''The instructions at 0x0000000010002203 referenced memory at 0x0000000021BA0090.
The memory could not be read.''


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Crash
Additional Information

Event Timeline

Eye5uck created this task.Nov 4 2017, 9:32 AM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Nov 6 2017, 12:14 PM


Thank you for the report. From your report it seems that you got an Access Violation error. Please try these possible solutions.

  • Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
  • Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
  • Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
  • Verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
  • Re-install DirectX.
  • Uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (both x86 and x64 version), restart your computer and install the package again (do not use the Repair function).
  • Run a Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files.
Wulf added a comment.EditedNov 6 2017, 4:59 PM

Also your dump say that you are missing a dll file EZFRD64.dll

or to be more precise


Try removing the joystick to see if the crashes continue.

I unplugged my joystick, and now the game works.
But is there a way i can play the game with the joystick? or does it have to stay unplugged?
Thanks anyway!

dedmen added a comment.EditedNov 7 2017, 2:52 PM

It is your Joysticks software crashing. I guess you have to get in contact with the manufacturer and get it fixed. Maybe there is a newer version already available that doesn't crash.

The joystick works fine in any other game. It must work in arma too, why won't it?