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Vans from DLC Laws of war can't cross the bridges
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Vans from DLC Laws of war can't cross the bridges, tested it in Stratis Agia Marina
They try to cross the bridge and they can only get with the two front wheels on the bridge, then they drive backwards away from the bridge and try it every time.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
AI Pathfinding / Motion
Steps To Reproduce

Place a Van from the DLC Laws of war and let them drive over a bridge in Agia Marina via waypoint
I tested it with other vehicles, works so far but not with the Vans

Additional Information

Didn't tested it on other maps

Event Timeline

Wulf changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 26 2017, 2:54 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


Thank you for the report we will have a look at it.

Snake-Plissken added a comment.EditedMay 16 2018, 5:10 PM

The same happens in the bridges of Altis, Malden and Tanoa, the vehicle Van can not cross the bridge ..

In the larger bridge of Tanoa connecting one island to another, this problem does not happen.

Tenshi closed this task as Resolved.Jul 6 2021, 2:40 PM
Tenshi claimed this task.
Tenshi added a subscriber: Tenshi.

Tested on Internal build and Main Build 2.04.147738 while testing old tickets.
The Vehicle's AI (with some effort) managed to drive over the bridge in Altis, Tanoa and Malden, most likely the issue is already fixed.

Closing the ticket