Hi, there's a lot of noise going on around this at the moment. There's half a chance you've done it on purpose, but I feel that would be disingenuous, but it would be at least nice to know so we can mothball out servers if needed to save some cash.
The new server browser disadvantages Private servers, we've seen a significant drop in visitors which directly correlates to the new sever browser launching
We are trying to help us
You've relegated us to the second division
As a server owner we work super hard and actively to make sure players have a great time, new players we chaperone sometimes up from the beach and help them find a stick, old players we shoot to fuckery, or get shot to fuckery, or say 'Hi' and go on an adventure, and we ban cheaters, glitchers, arsehats and dicks. Actively, there and then.
As a mod for some of the DayZ Twitch streamers, we're getting questions asking 'why can't we find the servers' from people and we're having to talk them through how to find servers
Whilst I completely understand the necessity for a division between 'public' and 'private', I don't really understand why you've labelled with such cognative dissonance, nor do I understand why you have precontexualised Search (you have to know what you are looking for) or divided the favourite list (right, which set of my favourites do I want to look at)