For whatever dumb reason, the "Local Exec" button from the pause menu Debug Console pointlessly invokes the remoteExec command. This is highly problematic for us modders who are trying to diagnose issues on live servers with very strict BattlEye filters, since all uses of the remoteExec command are (also pointlessly) filtered by BE's remoteexec.txt filter.
So, when I click "Local Exec" at any time on one of my live servers, I get kicked by BattlEye for Remote Execution, despite having absolutely no intention of doing remote execution.
THE PROBLEM LIES HERE: ui_f\scripts\GUI\RscDebugConsole.sqf
//--- Local case 0: {[[], _inputCode] spawn {_this remoteExec ["call", [player, clientOwner] select isNull player]}};
//--- Local case 0: {[] spawn_inputCode};
This remoteExec was NOT needed here. It was put there in early 2016, but provides zero benefit, and is a complete annoyance to mod devs and server admins.
Please fix. Thank you very much.