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Zeus Module: Unable to select combo box entries
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Hello.I normally go into the 3DEN Editor and put in the Zeus Module to try out Mods but this time I was not able to do that as I cannot change it from "Official Addons Only" To "Any Addons" and I don't want to spend 10 minutes syncing up over 20 mods to modules..So I wanted to ask if there is a possible fix to it or if my game is bugged thanks for response.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Eden Editor

Event Timeline

Happening with multiple modules and triggers... lots of displays. Two workarounds that have worked for me, as suggested by others: Drag the interface out of the middle of the screen, and it'll work; or change your display size away from Small (Very Small and Normal both worked for me).

OK thanks.I'll try if it won't work I will inform you.

So I just tried it.I did the Drag the Module out of the middle of the screen which Didn't help. Then I did the Interface and it totally messed it up when I put "Very Small" The Interface is in middle of my screen meaning I can't even shoot and on "Normal" I can't see half of the interface.

ookexoo added a comment.EditedMar 22 2017, 12:28 AM

I can confirm this issue.
The "Game Master" module "Default Addons" combo box seems to be broken for certain resolutions atm (at least for x64 version).

Workaround reported by THE MOSIN MAN:
"Try changing your resolution to 16x10 for example, [...]. After selecting the unofficial addons you can switch back to your old resolution"

Edit: I guess the same goes for other broken windows in Eden.
Edit2: Just realized it's a duplicate of T122322!

R3vo renamed this task from Zeus Module to Zeus Module: Unable to select combo box entries.Jun 8 2021, 5:11 PM