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You were kicked of the game. Steam authentication failed.
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We had maxed out memory issue since the last A3 update so we decided to run Arma 3 on 64bit.
Our choice is now the RC-Branch.
I downloaded the rc-server exe via Steam on windows dedicated. Everything worked fine and the console showed that the server is online and running.
We updated to rc on client as well.

The problems now are, that we can´t find the server in the A3-Launcher. I was able to find it on direct connect in ingame serverbrowser only.
The other problem is, once i found the server and i press join i got a message in loadingscreen "You were kicked of the game. Steam authentication failed."
Pressing -ok- throws me back in the serverbrowser.

This issue happens with and without mods.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Operating System Version
Service Pack 1 - last version -
Dedicated Server
Additional Information

rpt-file of the server.

Event Timeline

G-susOnSteroids changed Severity from None to Major.Feb 21 2017, 1:46 PM
vbawol added a subscriber: vbawol.EditedFeb 21 2017, 9:27 PM

I am getting the same issue on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit.

When running x64 I get the same error in RPT as OP: Initializing Steam server failed

And when a client joins the RPT shows: Client: [VB]AWOL - Kicked off because of invalid ticket: Invalid ticket - Ticket invalid

x86 works: Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303

Dependancy Walker reports missing dll's for the arma3sever_x64.exe

as does steam_api64.dll

Also, I have every Visual Studio C++ Redistributable (x86 and x64 - 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015) installed.

I was also having the same issue earlier on today with dev branch, both on server 2012 R2 and locally with Windows 10, all redists from 2005-2015, unfortunately don't have much more in regards to debugging info but the issue isn't isolated to one person.

workaround is install steamclient and just let it running on login screen
fix is wip , no eta for now

G-susOnSteroids added a comment.EditedFeb 22 2017, 6:33 PM


I can confirm that starting steam to the login window(on server) solved the problem!
I just tested it out. The server shows up in launcher as well!

  1. Start steam to login-window
  2. Start the arma3_64bit-server.exe

Let´s see how good the performance will be :)

KamikazeXeX added a comment.EditedFeb 23 2017, 2:58 PM

workaround is install steamclient and just let it running on login screen
fix is wip , no eta for now

Edit: Just read G-susOnSteroids' comment, thats my question answered! :)

Does this mean just have the client running but not logged in or do you have to log in? If the latter is the case I then assume there is no use testing on dedicated unless you have an alternate steam account with the game? Since steam signs out other locations.

Kind regards,


you don´t need to log in. Just start steam and thats all. (on server)


vbawol added a comment.EditedFeb 24 2017, 12:12 AM

Installed and ran steamclient, opened to login screen only and x64 A3 server gives me the same results.

Initializing Steam server failed

Installed and ran steamclient, opened to login screen only and x64 A3 server gives me the same results.

Initializing Steam server failed

By any chance do you use FireDaemon or something similar to run the server etc? I personally use FireDaemon and I had to revert to starting via batch files to get it to work, Steam being running had no effect on it when it was running in session 0.

vbawol added a comment.EditedFeb 24 2017, 2:18 PM

Yes I do use FireDaeamon.

Update: I did get it running using a shortcut.

vbawol added a comment.EditedFeb 26 2017, 4:32 PM

Can anyone confirm if Battleye Rcon is working, with this method of starting x64 server?
EDIT: rcon issue was I was just missing beserver_x64.cfg

Can anyone confirm if Battleye Rcon is working, with this method of starting x64 server?

Battelye has never worked on dev/RC for me, always results in unknown game version when joining the server so I've always had it turned off when in dev/RC branch

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