Every time client joins server, there is an attempted remote execution to execute execVM ( BIS_fnc_execVM ) on the server.
I would like a description.ext config to disable this attempted remote execution.
The line of code in question is in CfgFunctions initFunctions.sqf file
Line 590 ( 1.66 )
if !(isDedicated) then { [player,didJIP] execvm "initPlayerLocal.sqf"; [[[player,didJIP],"initPlayerServer.sqf"],"bis_fnc_execvm",false,false] call bis_fnc_mp; "initPlayerLocal.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; "initPlayerServer.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; };
I have not whitelisted BIS_fnc_execVM or execVM in CfgRemoteExec, so my RPT is spammed by this:
23:01:13 "***** onPlayerConnected ***** [1.74782e+009,""765611989222"",""White Wolf"",true,8] *****" 23:01:13 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 23:01:14 "***** onPlayerConnected ***** [1.12049e+009,""765611926625"",""assistedapple20"",true,7] *****" 23:01:14 "***** SESSION ***** Client connecting: White Wolf - 76561198222 *****" 23:01:14 "***** onPlayerConnected ***** [5.04242e+008,""765611527208"",""Carlosion"",true,5] *****" 23:01:14 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 23:01:15 "***** SESSION ***** Client connecting: assistedapple20 - 765615426625 *****" 23:01:16 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 23:01:16 "***** SESSION ***** Client connecting: Carlosion - 765611527208 *****" 23:01:24 "***** onPlayerConnected ***** [1.59478e+009,""765611980312"",""Wilson"",true,4] *****" 23:01:24 "***** onPlayerConnected ***** [2.01093e+009,""76561198041"",""Ben Troast"",true,3] *****" 23:01:24 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 23:01:25 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man_A3.asczHead_novotny_A3 not found 23:01:25 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man_A3.asczHead_novotny_A3 not found 23:01:25 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
I would like a description.ext config to disable the initPlayerServer.sqf remote execution.
// description.ext initplayerserver = 0; // 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default - 1)
suggested revised CfgFunctions initFunctions.sqf:
if !(isDedicated) then { [player,didJIP] execvm "initPlayerLocal.sqf"; if ((getMissionConfigValue ["initplayerserver",1]) isEqualTo 1) then { [[player,didJIP],"initPlayerServer.sqf"] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_execvm",([0,2] select ismultiplayer),false]; /*/ Old syntax -- [[[player,didJIP],"initPlayerServer.sqf"],"bis_fnc_execvm",false,false] call bis_fnc_mp;/*/ }; "initPlayerLocal.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; "initPlayerServer.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; };