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DayZ PlayStationProject


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To submit a report, click on the star in the top right corner of the page and select "New DayZ PlayStation Bug Report" or "New DayZ PlayStation Private Bug Report"

When reporting sensitive information, such as Duplication methods, Bugs that could be abused by other players or sending us crash dump files, please use the private form exclusively!

DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. Players can live through powerful events and emotions arising from the ever-evolving emergent gameplay.

This space is used to report issues from the PS4 version of DayZ standalone.

Create a new issue and clearly label it as a crash in the title. For example:

"Game Crash - Dropping a protector case crashes the game"

Next, provide insight into how you got your game to crash. Include as much information about what you were doing around the time the game crashed. Every little detail can help us fix the problem. Remember to mention whether this happens on the stable or experimental branch of the game.

"The game crashed when I dropped a protector case on the ground while playing on an experimental server. I had the protector case in my backpack and drag and dropped it into the vicinity window. The case contained a canteen and a pack of rice. I have tried this several times and it happens every time"

"Game crashed when I dropped a protector case"

Include steps to reproduce if you think that they are necessary and aren't obvious enough from the description. Always describe reproduction step by step.

Open inventory
Place the protector case in your backpack
Drag and drop it into the vicinity tab
Game Crashes
Don't forget to include the game's version (can be found in the main menu).

Recent Activity


lewisinhull988 created T189567: car bug .
Mon, Mar 3, 12:24 AM · DayZ PlayStation


morozg05 added a comment to T155582: Why can’t I build fences on the concrete walkways at the schools/education centers?.

I was facing a tight deadline and needed help with an important assignment, so I contacted They were incredibly responsive and provided me with excellent service. The paper I received was well-researched and written with great care. The quality of the work exceeded my expectations, and it was delivered before the deadline, giving me plenty of time to review it. I’m very grateful for their help and will definitely rely on them for future papers. I highly recommend them to other students in need of reliable academic writing support.

Sun, Mar 2, 10:21 PM · DayZ PlayStation
GoblinsMommy created T189553: Server crash back to back.
Sun, Mar 2, 7:58 PM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort edited Additional Information on T189520: Server issues.
Sun, Mar 2, 5:33 PM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

Sun, Mar 2, 11:15 AM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

Sun, Mar 2, 11:15 AM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

here is another issue I keep getting I will try to remember to post error codes.

Sun, Mar 2, 10:58 AM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort created T189520: Server issues.
Sun, Mar 2, 10:54 AM · DayZ PlayStation
SixPacker44 created T189509: Bk 133 shotgun not fully loading .
Sun, Mar 2, 5:40 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Fri, Feb 28

andice created T189440: Ps5 sakhai.
Fri, Feb 28, 8:19 PM · DayZ PlayStation
andice created T189438: Sakhai.
Fri, Feb 28, 8:03 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Sahnex3 added a comment to T189372: Holding breath does not work on ps4/5.

I did some further testing.

Fri, Feb 28, 5:00 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189402: Server 7567 Couldn’t Make Fire After Looting Military Location Leading to Death from New to Reviewed.
Fri, Feb 28, 11:36 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189372: Holding breath does not work on ps4/5 from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Feb 28, 11:36 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Feildofdreams13 created T189402: Server 7567 Couldn’t Make Fire After Looting Military Location Leading to Death.
Fri, Feb 28, 6:43 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Thu, Feb 27

Sahnex3 renamed T189372: Holding breath does not work on ps4/5 from Holding breath to Holding breath does not work on ps4/5.
Thu, Feb 27, 10:57 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Sahnex3 created T189372: Holding breath does not work on ps4/5.
Thu, Feb 27, 10:54 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez closed T189335: Missing sound effect when taking CR-527 from shoulder to hands as Resolved.

Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue that has been reported previously.
Closing the ticket since it is a duplicate. Just to note, this affects all weapons at the moment.

Thu, Feb 27, 12:53 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189283: Weapons on shoulders. from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Thu, Feb 27, 12:27 PM · DayZ PlayStation
RainSenshi added a comment to T189172: Logging out time.

Combat logging and alt accounts in general need huge work

Thu, Feb 27, 11:15 AM · DayZ PlayStation
RainSenshi updated subscribers of T189283: Weapons on shoulders..

@Geez This does not only apply to weapons. The animation is bugged and "skips" the animation when you pull weapons out and the audio along with it. But it also happens when just pulling normal items from your inventory to your hand.

Thu, Feb 27, 11:11 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Wed, Feb 26

fundogthrillionaire created T189335: Missing sound effect when taking CR-527 from shoulder to hands.
Wed, Feb 26, 8:46 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189283: Weapons on shoulders. from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Wed, Feb 26, 10:54 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Exhorter- added a comment to T189283: Weapons on shoulders..
  • Left shoulder also makes sound for both when putting gun away on left shoulder but no sound for pulling out gun.
Wed, Feb 26, 5:06 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Exhorter- added a comment to T189283: Weapons on shoulders..

So pulling Gun from left shoulder makes no sound.

Wed, Feb 26, 5:01 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Whoami added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

So... The 1.27 Update... You removed THE ONLY thing that was good against dupers, the X-walls.
So instead of them blowing up a base in 20 minutes, they now do it in 2 minutes.

Wed, Feb 26, 1:40 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Tue, Feb 25

Exhorter- created T189283: Weapons on shoulders..
Tue, Feb 25, 5:09 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Mon, Feb 24

ElJeeZed added a comment to T166624: Being Stuck In Loading Screen.

I have same issue.

Mon, Feb 24, 2:23 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189238: Reverse Dupe from New to Assigned.

Thank you for the report.
Unfortunately we do not reimburse any items, we will look into the provided repro steps however, to make sure we have all possible info on this bug.

Mon, Feb 24, 12:36 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Sat, Feb 22

arthur.morgan updated subscribers of T189238: Reverse Dupe.

The good news is that in cases like this you can still get your stuff back. The bad news is that it is indeed a bug.
The jacket you found was lying on the table. when you put it on, your current jacket was placed on the table instead of the previous one. so even though you don't see the items in the menu nearby, you can still take your jacket from the table, you just need to hover over it and you will see that the previous jacket can be picked up with all the things that were in it.

Sat, Feb 22, 7:26 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Abear1440 created T189238: Reverse Dupe.
Sat, Feb 22, 2:22 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Fri, Feb 21

Geez closed T189025: Request for compensation as Resolved.

Hello krena560.
Since you are reting the server through Nitrado, you need to communicate any refunds with Nitrado.
Unfortunately there are no refunds for your discord bot.

Fri, Feb 21, 11:10 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Thu, Feb 20

Whoami added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

Thu, Feb 20, 10:50 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Whoami added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

So this is my current base. 56 watchtowers and about 40 X-walls. Built with over 10.000 non-duped planks and an insane amount of nails. (most nails stolen from duper bases)

Thu, Feb 20, 9:43 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Tue, Feb 18

Whoami added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

Worth to mention is that I am not just some beginner who whines because I get killed. I have over 6500 hours in this game and it happens at least once a week if you have a large base.
An easy fix would be to just remove the Granade Launcher and the Plastic Explosions. Let them dupe granades and M4 how much they like if it´s impossible to stop dupers.
And then open I agree with some other player who wrote a ticket. Start a group which are allowed to ban cheaters. Or take action and ban them yourself every time you get proof.

Tue, Feb 18, 3:22 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Mon, Feb 17

Whoami added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

Lag Switcher: Freemym4

Mon, Feb 17, 4:38 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189156: Dupers from New to Feedback.
Mon, Feb 17, 2:00 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez merged task T189155: Dupers into T189156: Dupers.
Mon, Feb 17, 2:00 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez merged tasks T189155: Dupers, Restricted Maniphest Task, Restricted Maniphest Task into T189156: Dupers.
Mon, Feb 17, 2:00 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189172: Logging out time from New to Feedback.
Mon, Feb 17, 1:58 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Geez changed the status of T189180: Cheaters from New to Feedback.
Mon, Feb 17, 1:58 PM · DayZ PlayStation
arthur.morgan added a comment to T189180: Cheaters.

I provided video evidence of cheaters last year, but my ticket was not even commented on. Unfortunately, because of dupers, there is no point in building anything at all, I built a lot of walls, but copying explosives gives them the ability to destroy any wall in 5 minutes. There is no point in even hiding boxes for storing loot, because when someone runs past, microlags happen (FPS drops) and the person understands that loot is hidden nearby, and easily finds it. cheaters used to live closer to the north and if you dont go to military bases, you could find an interesting adventure. now cheaters started building near coast, especially places with water and police stations. I know a lot of people who are now rare guests in the game because of this.

Mon, Feb 17, 5:33 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Sun, Feb 16

Whoami created T189180: Cheaters.
Sun, Feb 16, 10:28 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Exhorter- created T189172: Logging out time.
Sun, Feb 16, 11:52 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Fri, Feb 14

Kenric added a comment to T189156: Dupers.

Give items iD numbers and tracking numbers 🥴

Fri, Feb 14, 12:36 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Kenric created T189156: Dupers.
Fri, Feb 14, 12:36 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Kenric created T189155: Dupers.
Fri, Feb 14, 12:35 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Wed, Feb 12

krena560 added a comment to T189025: Request for compensation.

There is protection against DDOS, like IT developers of games you should know and have backup servers as a final client I absolutely do not have to be paid by the product and the product is to work and the product developer is always responsible. However now I mean,
When do you mines to fix those lags? on consoles? Cars dancing and disappearing under the texture in cities can not go anything and it's not just my server. This is not the DDOS, but you are developers that you are not able to stabilize the game. Even Nitrad itself showed that this is your competence. I am already tired of how players swear, I quote.
That it is a shit that it is impossible to play let alone drive.

Wed, Feb 12, 5:43 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Tue, Feb 11

junglecat16789 added a comment to T189025: Request for compensation.

They got DDosed man, was not their fault. Unless you have enough to pay the ransome? If you bought it through playstation you can request a refund through them. But coming on here, ain't doing nothing.

Tue, Feb 11, 6:46 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Mon, Feb 10

krena560 added a comment to T189025: Request for compensation.

Servers Lag ... When will I be repaired? When do you start to play the game?

Mon, Feb 10, 9:11 PM · DayZ PlayStation