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- User Since
- Jan 15 2015, 8:55 PM (531 w, 23 h)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
xoue edited Steps To Reproduce on T115355: Vehicle kills you when changing tire in no flat position.
xoue added a comment to T115286: Ammo won't appear.
Happens to all weapons. No ammo showed when chambered
xoue added a comment to T115229: Offroad Hatchback codriver seat not available.
Confirmed as well by me. Tried to carry 4 people in Offroad with no successs. Only three people is posible because co-pilot seat is not available.
xoue added a comment to T114325: Moving painted CR527 from person inventory crashes the game.
edited wit proper weapon name
xoue edited Steps To Reproduce on T114325: Moving painted CR527 from person inventory crashes the game.
xoue added a comment to T113112: Bear traps and mines are non persistent.
In experimental server UK 0-5 Bear traps are persistent but its status. Before restart I had some deployed and activated and after restart the all bear traps were there but not activated. So it seams that it does not keep status after restart.
All Trip wires disapeared after restart (all were deployed around same place)
xoue edited Steps To Reproduce on T107426: 0.53 Experimental - Fireplace disappears in above ground floors in construction building.
xoue edited Steps To Reproduce on T107127: 0.53 Experimental - PU Scope vibrates when using hands to see (first person).