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- User Since
- Feb 26 2015, 1:57 AM (525 w, 2 d)
Jun 3 2019
Jun 1 2019
You also won't be able to walk upstairs rather than run. Ladder steps are just too high...
May 31 2019
Tried cow hyde, same result.
May 28 2019
I do confirm above mentioned problem, too!
I am more than surprised to see a can opener that weights 1 kilo haha
In my example I've tried to use tanned leather obtained from a killed wolf. Unfortunately I did not test it on a leather obtained from different animals.
May 23 2019
Oh yes and when you hold Electric Repair kit in your hands its not aligned with the hand, flying in the air nearby.
I do confirm above mentioned problem, too!
May 18 2019
I do confirm above mentioned problem, too. You have to open your Inventory view and walk over a zombie until something appears in your vicinity.
It looks like a bounding box misalign.
ADA 4x4 has recently got the very same problem - you have to walk to the side of it's trunk in order to access it.
May 16 2019
No offense but this is really funny bug, made my day haha
May 15 2019
Although there is a bug when you detach a wheel from a car, it starts to jump around like crazy, maybe it's cause of this. I didn't die cause of that -- maybe I was just lucky haha
Are you sure you were not shot in the same moment? Cause when I entered empty Olga without 3 wheels i didn't die for some reason.
May 11 2019
It's obvious that if you don't have any gloves you'll obviously get burns on your hands. No cuts if you have gloves - checked.
Dec 20 2018
Meanwhile tactical goggles seem to have any texture at all.
Dec 10 2018
Obviously because opened and unopened cans of tuna are absolutely different objects in game logic.
Dec 3 2018
Hey there!
Nov 29 2018
I do confirm above mentioned problem too.
May 11 2016
Same here, all the stuff for the m4, except for the bare m4 haha