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0.63.149776 - Opening a can of tuna on your hotbar causes the hotkey to reset
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If you map a can of tuna to the hotbar and then open it, it will reset to blank.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get a can of tuna
  2. Map it to the hotkey toolbar
  3. Press the hotkey to take it to your hands
  4. Left-click to open the can of tuna
  5. Observe the can of tuna is no longer mapped to your hotkey, instead it is reset to blank
Additional Information

Event Timeline

xiconoclastx added a subscriber: xiconoclastx.EditedDec 10 2018, 11:15 PM

Obviously because opened and unopened cans of tuna are absolutely different objects in game logic.

fundogthrillionaire added a comment.EditedDec 10 2018, 11:21 PM

Obviously this doesn't matter from a user experience perspective and is indicative of a larger problem with consistency. They want bug reports, this is a bug. Maybe this results in a memory leak. Do you work on the engine? Do you have the decompiled code?

This is also affecting the in-game map item.