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- User Since
- Jan 8 2014, 1:10 AM (584 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
wolowolof set Category to category:environment on T94195: Dropped loot falls through floors/ Glitch into "nonrooms".
wolowolof set Category to category:server on T93775: Server lag / Character Wiped.
wolowolof set Category to category:server on T93686: Connecting Failed / Only 4 servers/ Authentication Timeout.
wolowolof set Category to category:characters on T93683: Spawned on Roof.
wolowolof set Category to category:server on T93441: Wait for host/ Joining Game/ Connecting Failed.
wolowolof added a comment to T93419: Ladder bug.
juuuussst happened to me. :(
version 0.30.114008
wolowolof added a comment to T92429: Logging out and logging back in fixes broken legs.
better to duplicate than not report at all. devs can easily sort duplicate reports
wolowolof added a comment to T92021: You're Dead screen appears, character screams and dies..
this happened to me last night on an empty server. i clicked "climb ladder down" then blank screen, "you are dead" before i got on the ladder.
edit: i keep forgetting to put the version which is 0.30.114008
wolowolof added a comment to T87296: Melee attacks aren't lined up with aiming cursor.
melee attacks are bugged. it didnt matter where i was aiming with the pipe wrench. i could line it up with the cursor or the "realistic" way and i couldn't hit the zombie hitting me. i could see the wrench clearly making contact with the head of the zombie but that apparently doesn't matter.
edit: version: 0.30.114008