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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 2:35 PM (629 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
wolf85 added a comment to T67652: Crash on multiplayer server.
Having same issue on every server I join. In aobut 20-30min my games crashes.
wolf85 added a comment to T67652: Crash on multiplayer server.
Game crash after selecting class. I'v got this issue twice and allways on high populated server. (40/60)
wolf85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T64696: Wounded sound even after respwan.
wolf85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T62779: Neck deformity while healing others.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
wolf85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T60828: Ghost shoot sound when using silencer.
wolf85 added a comment to T60599: The sun's visible disc is much too big..
The sun and the moon have NOT the same size in any way. Sun is bigger.
wolf85 added a comment to T60599: The sun's visible disc is much too big..
Sun have a 1.392.000 km diameter
Moon have a 3,476 km diameter
Sun is 149.600.000 km away from the Earth.
Moon is 384.400 Km away from the Earth.
So, now I'm no astrophysicist but better go google images to undertand how lunar eclipse and sun eclipse works.
wolf85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T60416: Scuba fins shadow on land.
wolf85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T59522: Player trapped inside rocks can't get out..
wolf85 added a comment to T58772: Crash on multiplayer server.
Having same issue on every server I join. In aobut 20-30min my games crashes.
wolf85 added a comment to T58772: Crash on multiplayer server.
Game crash after selecting class. I'v got this issue twice and allways on high populated server. (40/60)