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User Since
Dec 17 2013, 2:42 AM (585 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

vonlinchen added a comment to T93237: Suppressor loudness.

What are you expecting the suppressor to do? make the gun silent?

Suppressors work by reducing the sound created by firing a bullet so that it cannot be heard at longer distances. They also slow the velocity of bullets to prevent super sonic cracks.

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
vonlinchen added a comment to T88811: Black & White Screen, During Day.

So your saying I need to eat to the point of being sick to regain blood?

May 10 2016, 4:34 PM · DayZ
vonlinchen set Category to category:characters on T88811: Black & White Screen, During Day.
May 10 2016, 4:34 PM · DayZ
vonlinchen added a comment to T87886: Refreshing Server Breaks my Internet.

I can confirm this, while refreshing the requirment on internet connection is insane. Until completely finish refreshing I struggle to load webpages.

I'm on a 100mb down 15mb up connection.

May 10 2016, 3:57 PM · DayZ
vonlinchen added a comment to T87705: Cans cannot be opened by sharp tools.

Cannot open with any sharp object, tried various ways. All objects have maximum durability

May 10 2016, 3:50 PM · DayZ
vonlinchen added a comment to T87525: Suppressor loudness.

What are you expecting the suppressor to do? make the gun silent?

Suppressors work by reducing the sound created by firing a bullet so that it cannot be heard at longer distances. They also slow the velocity of bullets to prevent super sonic cracks.

May 10 2016, 3:41 PM · DayZ