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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 11:34 PM (588 w, 33 m)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
uritziel added a comment to T88997: I got into a firefight the players were shooting with the M4 and my friend did not hear them.
Thank you pshot, I think the devs should address this bug immediately.
uritziel edited Steps To Reproduce on T88998: My character died for no reason. I was inside a building in a one way out room, so no one was there..
uritziel added a comment to T88997: I got into a firefight the players were shooting with the M4 and my friend did not hear them.
If by channels you mean 5.1 and those things? He had Virtual 7.1 (Steelseries Siberia v2 w/ USB Sound Card) I have the same headset, and I heard those gunshots loud and clear.
uritziel edited Steps To Reproduce on T88997: I got into a firefight the players were shooting with the M4 and my friend did not hear them.
uritziel edited Steps To Reproduce on T88996: Cannot respawn after being unconcious.
uritziel added a comment to T88348: Changing Steam NickName Leads to New Character!.
@compydad, it should be an option in the game, changing your name from steam shouldn't have anything to do with that.
I think if we could make character names IN the game and we were to check steam profiles from the players list -for reporting / friending- that would be the best way to address your point of view and to prevent such a problem from happening to 3nvy and all of us.
uritziel added a comment to T88245: still possible to spawn in novy sobor.
Just happened to me, up voted.