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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 4:00 AM (626 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
thanks man, i must have accidentally chose wrong one haha, im sure i chose settings, but thanks for fixing.
May 9 2016
still crashes on start up when running as admin.
if i close them and let the game open, than alt tab and open the programs, the game runs fine, just something is stopping the game from opening when they are open before it.
hmm wierd, im using latest and it won't stop crashing on start up until i close it.
Tajin, streaming = advertisement for BIS, the option should at least be there to remove UI, some people like no hud at all.
voted up, why does this even have down votes? :/
yeah i have a feeling its wastelands causing the crashes, i haven't crashed yet in default Arma 3, but have in wastelands once or twice.
crashed for me when i had xfire open, if you guys have it open, close it and it should run fine.
tried closing everything except for steam? check processes and see if there is anything out of the ordinary, could even be a virus scanner or even windows firewall blocking it.
im running windows 8 x64 and it runs without crashing, its only crashed twice, once when i had xfire open, and the other when i had xsplit running.
was this game made with windows 8 in mind? because im getting 60+ with just 2500k and a 6870... no idea how, but i get 60+ regardless of settings, except ultra (sticks to around 30-40)
im using Windows 8 x64
voted up.. seems 3 people are trolling by voting down..
its because you're running out of bounds, they will have to add some alert letting you know when you're out of bounds.