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Dec 17 2013, 11:19 AM (585 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

tom59593 added a comment to T89359: Unable to fill two canteens if both in Inventory..

It appears that it actually only recognizes the "first" water bottle or canteen in your inventory (where "first" is the water bottle the furthest left in the highest container in your inventory).

Example: If you have a water bottle in your jeans and a water bottle in your backpack, you can only fill the water bottle in your jeans (because it is in a container 'above' the other one).

Example 2: If you have two water bottles in your jeans, you can only fill the left-most water bottle (because it is to the left of the other one).

My solution has been to fill the "first" bottle as normal, then move it such that it is secondary to the other bottle. For instance, I'll fill the bottle then move it to my backpack while I fill the one in my jeans. I have to do this several times if I have 3-4 water bottles or canteens.

May 10 2016, 4:55 PM · DayZ
tom59593 added a comment to T86492: Stuck unconscious.

Just in case it was helpful, I decided to time my most recent bout of unconsciousness. I have currently been out for about 74 minutes. I had been fairly well fed and drank a lot of purified water beforehand, so I'm sure it's just a bug!

May 10 2016, 1:11 PM · DayZ