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- User Since
- Sep 23 2014, 1:33 PM (547 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
theofficer added a comment to T89508: Handcuffing.
I know that they can break free and all but, what it was is that he shot me while restrained on my screen, so that could be a big issue.
theofficer edited Steps To Reproduce on T89508: Handcuffing.
theofficer edited Additional Information on T89052: The animations seem to be late..
theofficer added a comment to T87729: The M4's attachments are disappearing in 3rd person..
[Found out it does it for the Mosin too, and it does the same thing.]
theofficer edited Steps To Reproduce on T87729: The M4's attachments are disappearing in 3rd person..
theofficer added a comment to T87251: Bodies Disappearing after being killed.
It's because they have the bodies disappear just as the zombies do, the players do it too, or it's because they logged to fast.