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- User Since
- Oct 25 2014, 9:25 PM (540 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
thecanuckgal added a comment to T105098: Tents are NOT persistant - we lost all our gear and tents.
Some servers claim to be persistent but are not. You can test this by dropping an item and seeing if it's there still the next day. Even on persistent servers tents are glitchy at best. I find none of my items show in my tent after i freshly log in, until i place an item in the tent.
thecanuckgal set Category to category:general on T104751: Shoes become ruined FAR too quickly..
thecanuckgal added a comment to T104713: Character duplicates and appears dead after game crash.
This happened to me as well, game crashed in Large Apartment. Searched a balcony on reload and noticed my own dead body outside. It only had duplicate weapons and gear, none of the items on me.
thecanuckgal set Category to category:items on T104699: Items stuck in floors and surfaces in large apartment buildings..
thecanuckgal edited Steps To Reproduce on T104698: Game Crash in .50 in Large Apartments.