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- User Since
- Jun 17 2016, 9:51 PM (456 w, 3 d)
Dec 30 2016
Dec 30 2016
thaclone updated the task description for T122544: Writing not visible on note [x64 Stable] 0.61.136821.
Jun 26 2016
Jun 26 2016
thaclone added a comment to T118776: Chopper model not showing at crash site.
the chopper disappears after a while, like it is supossed to, because of despawn
but the loot despawns at different times, so it's alright.
was the same in 0.59
Jun 18 2016
Jun 18 2016
thaclone renamed T118173: major physic bugs between cars (0.60 stable) from major physic bugs between cars to major physic bugs between cars (0.60 stable).
thaclone renamed T118171: unable to pack military tent (0.60 stable) from unable to pack military tent to unable to pack military tent (0.60 stable).
thaclone renamed T118169: randomly despawn of vehicles (0.60 stable) from randomly despawn of vehicles to randomly despawn of vehicles (0.60 stable).
Jun 17 2016
Jun 17 2016