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Chopper model not showing at crash site
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The chopper model didnt show up at one of the Pavlovo crash sites, it was a Russian crash site, the loot was there but no heli, in the screenshot you can see some items (shotgun/boots) floating in mid air that were supposed to have spawned on the back seat of the Russian chopper which is how i know the items are not a players stash, i was not being blocked by invisible walls, i could freely run to the loot.

This is the first and only chopper crash i have seen do this, if i find another i will continue to report it.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I think this is random but im not sure.

Additional Information

game version: 0.60.133617

Event Timeline

Reefa created this task.Jun 26 2016, 7:40 AM
Reefa removed Operating System Version.Jun 26 2016, 7:47 AM

the chopper disappears after a while, like it is supossed to, because of despawn
but the loot despawns at different times, so it's alright.
was the same in 0.59

Reefa added a comment.Jul 1 2016, 9:22 PM

i failed to mention that this happened right after a server reset.