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- User Since
- Jun 4 2014, 1:54 PM (563 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
tezkr added a comment to T96109: Frequent desync and rubber banding.
Also confirming. As stated its usually worse the more people that are on the server. If I had a nickel for every time I teleported off a ledge..haha
Also seems to happen with control inputs. I was on top of the school in berezino and jumped on top of the square deal, as you do. Had to hit the button a couple times as you sometimes have to with the jump/vault animation. Looted for a good 15-20 seconds, everything fine so far. Approach the ladder to crawl down and all of a sudden my guy decides he wants to jump off to his own death.
tezkr added a comment to T75392: display server browser takes long.
I'm also having issues with servers loading. I hit refresh and it takes around 60 seconds of nothing for even a single server to show up. Anyone find a fix for this?