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- User Since
- Mar 23 2013, 7:06 PM (623 w, 4 d)
Jun 26 2016
Jun 26 2016
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
sudden added a comment to T73198: AAF soldier model "camo" selection doesn't fully cover the model.
It seems that this will stay untouched. :-((
sudden edited Steps To Reproduce on T73198: AAF soldier model "camo" selection doesn't fully cover the model.
sudden added a comment to T72516: Game crashes when using kbTell from SQF script..
Thank you!!! ;-)))
sudden edited Steps To Reproduce on T72516: Game crashes when using kbTell from SQF script..
sudden added a comment to T68321: On several weapons with the MRCO sight, the nonremoveable ironsight's color matches the sky.
TRG-21 with EGLM behave the same way with MRCO attached. Screenshot uploaded.
sudden added a comment to T67343: [AiA] If unit dies with a weapon in hand that lacks a geod LOD (ie A2/OA SVD), the game crashes instantly..
The answer is very simple. ;-))) BIS model of SVD (which actually hasn't changed since Armed Assault) doesn't have the geometry LOD that is needed for PhysX. You can easily make a replacement. Take an SVD model from Armed Assault sample models, create a Geometry LOD and make a replacement config.
Good luck!
sudden edited Steps To Reproduce on T64155: AI is moving without animation after using teamswitch..