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User Since
May 15 2014, 6:48 PM (564 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

strewthmonkey edited Steps To Reproduce on T98658: Zombies dying on their own on steep hills..
May 10 2016, 10:20 PM · DayZ
strewthmonkey edited Steps To Reproduce on T98255: Handguns damaged too easily by zombies..
May 10 2016, 10:07 PM · DayZ
strewthmonkey added a comment to T97561: SUGGESTION NON PVP servers.

I agree for 1 important reason. We are supposed to be testing the game, the argument that the point of the game is to survive and being wary of other people is part of this is fundamentally flawed. When starting a new character players are focused on survival at first so can't test bugs then. Once equipped enough to survive players are murdered at random. I have been murdered a few times after finding just enough loot to feed and defend myself. Non-PVP servers would give people somewhere to test bugs without fear of being murdered and having to go through the gathering supplies phase again. It would also give players a chance to meet up with groups and test bugs together without having to commit to a clan at this early stage of the game. I also believe people would spend more time actually testing the game by trying to duplicate bugs if they didn't have to be continuously watching their backs. A zombie attack is manageable, a human attack means instant death.

May 10 2016, 9:43 PM · DayZ