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- User Since
- Dec 17 2014, 2:49 PM (532 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
srikengames set Category to category:featurerequest on T107379: craftable bolts for the crossbow.
srikengames added a comment to T107103: items (my Smersh vest) with content deleted on locked persistance server.
great, glad you noticed it so fast!
srikengames added a comment to T107103: items (my Smersh vest) with content deleted on locked persistance server.
when i read this story, it made me think of a video i saw. the fact that you said 30 minutes makes it clear for me. here is the link:
Andy, the video is 2 minutes and explains how to reproduce
srikengames added a comment to T106347: game crash after losing connection.
sorry, is a duplicate. couldnt find it when searching though
srikengames edited Steps To Reproduce on T106347: game crash after losing connection.
srikengames set Category to category:weapons on T106346: fire axe keeps hitting.
srikengames added a comment to T106087: AK Wooden Handguard - spraypaint broken.
it is sprayable, it looks really crappy though
srikengames added a comment to T105087: There's still no description for the AKM..
for when has this been scheduled?
srikengames added a comment to T103788: no loot appears in military camps and Myshkino Military Camp.
think this one is fixed on/ still being fine tuned as well?
srikengames added a comment to T103680: Graphical artifact with the Grass Wrap's 'Inspect' feature while it is attached to the Mosin..
grass wrap doesn't exist anymore, maybe delete this post?
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
srikengames added a comment to T99982: Able to store items inside of Vest inside of backpack/other vests.
this has been fixed now, hasn't it Andy?
srikengames added a comment to T86827: Unloading magazine / ammo box on floor causes loss of ammo.
haven't had any trouble in .53