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- User Since
- Aug 26 2013, 5:30 PM (603 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Not to start a flame war but seriously here:
"I started playing in Alpha but due to the fact I can't recognize when a person is a bandit or hero has cost me dearly."
Play more carefully.
"It becomes to difficult to play."
No it doesn't. You just haven't adapted.
"I think because the hero risk their lives and the bandits just screw up your day they deserve to be marked as such."
Usually the M4 and the dead bodies surrounding them is a good indicator. Also if you're in elektro that's really your own fault.
"Just because of this one fact I almost deleted the game and told everyone not to even consider the game."
Please actually uninstall the game.
"The fact that the bandits are not marked makes the game a living hell."
It is because when you log out the "AI" that takes over your character for the 30 seconds you are left in game drops the gun that is in your hands.
I think you missed the point of this whole post. We had recovered his health and blood back to full. Its been a couple of days since the incident and the sound has not gone away.
This works for all buildings of this type, only a select few it doesn't work for (they are too low too the ground). Thanks for posting this so I didn't have too, found this pretty early on.