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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 6:41 PM (623 w, 25 m)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
screavics added a comment to T101643: Server administrator interface.
Oh and I will leave the files stored on a triple encrypted hard drive unless I am using it. I was meaning to add that in but forgot to when I was editing the last part of the first section. This drive follows me around anywhere I go in my secret pocket so chance of theft is slim as ever.
screavics edited Additional Information on T101643: Server administrator interface.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
screavics added a comment to T101451: 5A1312EWULFX Stuck.
He's gotten out, it took quite a lot of tweaking and trying to arrest him to finally get him unstuck.
screavics added a comment to T101451: 5A1312EWULFX Stuck.
Attached: 221100_screenshots_2014-08-02_00001.jpg screenshot
screavics set Category to category:playerstuck on T101451: 5A1312EWULFX Stuck.
screavics added a comment to T66799: Cannot fire over cubicle walls in Military Offices in some stances.
I attached a CQB mission I made try to peek over and kill the enemy to show exactly what we mean.