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Server administrator interface
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May I get a copy of the server please? I want to create an administrators interface either using C# or PHP/MySQL. I can sign an NDA and I have a consulting company I run in my free time. I am also US Army service disabled that had top secret clearance so I can be trusted with technology and frequently audit my own network to ensure it is secure. If I can not just get a server license even though I own the game can I license a copy of it out please? I can also provide copies of the administrator interface as I finish it if you would like so it can be bundled with DayZ Server? I just request that I can encrypt the core components using my IonCube license or any potentially risky parts if a server breach were to occur due to bug etc. You can review the source code if we were to go this route or if you would allow it I could privately release it.

I am currently attending WGU University for Computer Science Major: Network Administration, Minoring: Computer Programming & Physics. I have worked in IT for over 20 years now and been programming for over 10 years.

Thank you,

Anthony Aldridge (Steam: aaldridge/screavics)
143 Fairpark Rd
Pearcy, Ar 71964
Cell: 1+870-784-1728
Email: [email protected]
Business: Aldridge Technology Consulting

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Legacy ID
No Bug
Additional Information

This Nondisclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between Bohemia Interactive with its principal offices at Prague, Czech Republic, European Union ("Disclosing Party") and Anthony Thomas Aldridge, located at Pearcy, Arkansas USA("Receiving Party") for the purpose of preventing the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information as defined below. The parties agree to enter into a confidential relationship with respect to the disclosure of certain proprietary and confidential information ("Confidential Information").

  1. Definition of Confidential Information. For purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" shall include all information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business in which Disclosing Party is engaged. If Confidential Information is in written form, the Disclosing Party shall label or stamp the materials with the word "Confidential" or some similar warning. If Confidential Information is transmitted orally, the Disclosing Party shall promptly provide a writing indicating that such oral communication constituted Confidential Information.
  1. Exclusions from Confidential Information. Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement do not extend to information that is: (a) publicly known at the time of disclosure or subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) discovered or created by the Receiving Party before disclosure by Disclosing Party; (c) learned by the Receiving Party through legitimate means other than from the Disclosing Party or Disclosing Party's representatives; or (d) is disclosed by Receiving Party with Disclosing Party's prior written approval.
  1. Obligations of Receiving Party. Receiving Party shall hold and maintain the Confidential Information in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Disclosing Party. Receiving Party shall carefully restrict access to Confidential Information to employees, contractors, and third parties as is reasonably required and shall require those persons to sign nondisclosure restrictions at least as protective as those in this Agreement. Receiving Party shall not, without prior written approval of Disclosing Party, use for Receiving Party's own benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their benefit or to the detriment of Disclosing Party, any Confidential Information. Receiving Party shall return to Disclosing Party any and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in its possession pertaining to Confidential Information immediately if Disclosing Party requests it in writing.
  1. Time Periods. The nondisclosure provisions of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement and Receiving Party's duty to hold Confidential Information in confidence shall remain in effect until the Confidential Information no longer qualifies as a trade secret or until Disclosing Party sends Receiving Party written notice releasing Receiving Party from this Agreement, whichever occurs first.
  1. Relationships. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute either party a partner, joint venturer or employee of the other party for any purpose.
  1. Severability. If a court finds any provision of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as best to effect the intent of the parties.
  1. Integration. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior proposals, agreements, representations, and understandings. This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing signed by both parties.
  1. Waiver. The failure to exercise any right provided in this Agreement shall not be a waiver of prior or subsequent rights.

This Agreement and each party's obligations shall be binding on the representatives, assigns, and successors of such party. Each party has signed this Agreement through its authorized representative.

Event Timeline

screavics edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 5 2014, 10:53 PM
screavics set Category to Server.
screavics set Reproducibility to N/A.
screavics set Severity to None.
screavics set Resolution to No Bug.
screavics set Legacy ID to 2609817691.May 8 2016, 7:23 PM
screavics added a subscriber: screavics.

Oh and I will leave the files stored on a triple encrypted hard drive unless I am using it. I was meaning to add that in but forgot to when I was editing the last part of the first section. This drive follows me around anywhere I go in my secret pocket so chance of theft is slim as ever.


server files are currently only provided to our trusted server providers and are otherwise confidential. This is not the place to put your inquiry however. Please contact our marketing department via

[email protected]

Perhaps you will be able to work something out with them.

Have a great day!

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