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User Since
Dec 7 2015, 3:30 AM (483 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

s1k added a comment to T85244: Server crashes randomly.

Tried the latest RC build. We might actually be crashing even sooner now....
We have even crashed 30 minutes in, a few times(on tbb4)..

*worth mentioning*
Our server hadn't crashed in MONTHS prior to this update....
(wish others would list helpful data like this to compare against <3)

  • MALLOC = EVERY _bi malloc - even custom ones, primarily tbb4malloc_bi though.
  • extDB Version = extDB(35).
  • Game Mode/Version = Altis Life 3.x heavily modified.
  • Using bis/life_fnc_mp OR remoteExec = still using life_fnc_mp/BIS_fnc_MP.
  • Headless Client = no, removed.

Here's a link to our dump files/rpt, we were online for an hour only 50-60 players =(...

May 10 2016, 12:31 PM · Arma 3
s1k added a comment to T85244: Server crashes randomly.

Tried the performance exe - crash @ 2hours with around 60 people.
SAD_FACE, but, ultimately i'm grateful, Let me say Thank You to the DEV's for working on this.

*worth mentioning*
(wish others would list helpful data like this to compare against <3)

  • MALLOC = tbb4malloc_bi
  • extDB Version = extDB(35)
  • Game Mode/Version = Altis Life 3.x heavily modified.
  • Using bis/life_fnc_mp OR remoteExec = still using life_fnc_mp/BIS_fnc_MP

BELOW's a link to our .rpt and DUMP's. Hope this helps.

May 10 2016, 12:31 PM · Arma 3
s1k added a comment to T85244: Server crashes randomly.

Confirmed, happening to our servers as well. If there are less than 40 people it could stay up for 7+ hours. If there are 50,60-70 players you can count on a 2hour||1hour crash. If after the crash the server immediately fills back up, you can almost bet on a crash 1hr after.

*Worth noting*
-Windows Server 2012/x64, plenty RAM, SSD, etc.
-Infistar running
-using default mem allocator
-Altis Life

As a developer, when you roll out a patch and there is this much "discontent" - you humbly roll back. Back to the drawing board. <3.

May 10 2016, 12:31 PM · Arma 3
s1k added a comment to T85229: Dedicated Server Crash.

Confirmed, happening to our servers as well. If there are less than 40 people it could stay up for 7+ hours. If there are 50,60-70 players you can count on a 2hour||1hour crash. If after the crash the server immediately fills back up, you can almost bet on a crash 1hr after.

*Worth noting*
-Windows Server 2012/x64, plenty RAM, SSD, etc.
-Infistar running
-using default mem allocator

As a developer, when you roll out a patch and there is this much "discontent" - you humbly roll back. And go back to the drawing board. <3.

May 10 2016, 12:30 PM · Arma 3
s1k added a comment to T85141: Server running out of memory - Stack Overflow.

Tried the latest RC build. We might actually be crashing even sooner now....
We have even crashed 30 minutes in, a few times(on tbb4)..

*worth mentioning*
Our server hadn't crashed in MONTHS prior to this update....
(wish others would list helpful data like this to compare against <3)

  • MALLOC = EVERY _bi malloc - even custom ones, primarily tbb4malloc_bi though.
  • extDB Version = extDB(35).
  • Game Mode/Version = Altis Life 3.x heavily modified.
  • Using bis/life_fnc_mp OR remoteExec = still using life_fnc_mp/BIS_fnc_MP.
  • Headless Client = no, removed.

Here's a link to our dump files/rpt, we were online for an hour only 50-60 players =(...

May 10 2016, 12:27 PM · Arma 3
s1k added a comment to T85108: Numerous server crashes after 1.54 release.

Tried the latest RC build. We might actually be crashing even sooner now....
We have even crashed 30 minutes in, a few times(on tbb4)..

*worth mentioning*
Our server hadn't crashed in MONTHS prior to this update....
(wish others would list helpful data like this to compare against <3)

  • MALLOC = EVERY _bi malloc - even custom ones, primarily tbb4malloc_bi though.
  • extDB Version = extDB(35).
  • Game Mode/Version = Altis Life 3.x heavily modified.
  • Using bis/life_fnc_mp OR remoteExec = still using life_fnc_mp/BIS_fnc_MP.
  • Headless Client = no, removed.

Here's a link to our dump files/rpt, we were online for an hour only 50-60 players =(...

May 10 2016, 12:26 PM · Arma 3