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- User Since
- Sep 10 2015, 1:25 PM (495 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
We have been getting these types of errors using V7 exe, tbb4malloc,
Any suggestions, every crash ends with this error
Thank you in advance
We are still getting crashes on newest hotfix, as of 12/17/2015 11:30pM EST
Using TBB4malloc, memory error, it was not an .exe error this time
Player Count was 60/100
Shukari what malloc are you using?
How many slot server do you have ?
We've lost 1/2 our population, went from server rank 19 on game tracker to server rank 96. we"ve always been around rank 20-30. This patch issue was okay the first 7 days, but has since become a bit ridiculous. I see BI fixing other issues such as dogs, but its not paying attention to what is affecting the majority.
If this goes on for much longer, we will permanently feel the effects, I am only hoping these players are playing other games/mods to fill the gap while they way patiently on BI to address said issue.
If BI had a steam sale for X-mas to capture more audience, BI would not be putting up a good first impression.
we crashed at 2 hours 25 minutes at 62 people. Same as you listed s1k for our server except I used other Malloc.
We used the new peformance.exe
- Malloc = Tbbmalloc_vi
- extDB Version = extDB(35)
- Game Mode/Version = Altis Life 3.x heavily modified.
- Using bis/life_fnc_mp OR remoteExec = still using life_fnc_mp/BIS_fnc_MP
I hope BI is looking into this we haven't gotten a response yet and I feel we have given some pretty good insight on what is going on.
@Adam Is there anything you would like us to try to help with the troubleshooting? I am willing to try anything.
We are doing 70 players at about 2.5hrs... BUT we are using Lasso
We set all priorities for arma3servers.exe to as high as it will go. Then when you right click arma3servers.exe you can trim memory. Since we cannot get a fix for this, in order to keep the community happy, we've done the following
- Open a 2nd server for 40 people for them to enjoy (mostly regulars)
- I play rocket league, and between each match I right click lasso and trim virtual memory every 5 mins. This will prolong the crash.
Some Observations:
I've noticed though, our server seems to be ramping up on memory usage at the top of each up time hour on our server. So between top of the hours I do not have any issues with memory but then all of a sudden it starts rising quickly at top of the hour.
Next step I think we will take is to continue to lower server count, to keep server stable at 3hrs.
I also heard from another tracker that houses that use storage crates might be causing the issue? I have not confirmed or tested, just someone stated it here
Yeah, I must say this is the worst patch I've seen today, its unfortunate that we cannot provide a better service to our communities because of this type of stuff. I hope we can get some type of support/answers, its frustrating. Please keep me updated if you find something out outside of here
**REPOST made 1 big post rather the 5 smallersREPOST**
100 Man Altis life Server
13380mb mission size
1270v3 from NFO dedicated box 32gig, SSD, MYSQL
30players = full restart (5hours)
Less then 70 = 2-3hours then crash
70+ = 1 hour crash
When our server crashes, its abrupt, and its in a 15min window to the T with 80+ on
I added our RPT we are having same issue as you guys are. Our tracker is [^]
we get these errors [^] [^] [^]
What we've tried:
- We've tried all the memory allocators
- We've tried a different server
- We've reviewed our clean up script, changed times to see if it changed outcome
- Going through code to double check it
Rasmusop did you guys have any problems prior to the Dec 1st ? Once in a great while we would get a crash (1 or 2 times a week) we have 5 hour restarts. Just curious how related our crashes are
Confirmed on our server as well
Confirmed on our 100slot altis life server since patch 1.54
We are having the same issues on our 100Slot server. I hope this is being heard, its rough for our gaming community. I pray for a hotfix!
I uploaded 6 files, 3 are with a memory error
using malloc4tbb
the other 3 are
using any other malloctbb and the other dll's not including malloc4tbb
Server crashes with 60+ at 1hour +/- 15mins
I've been playing arma 3 since march of 2014. I've paid for all your DLC's, I've been playing on this server because they represent the Arma gaming community professionally. Saying that I hope you can find a fix @Adam because its frustrating for me to see BI not taking this ticket seriously.