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- User Since
- Jan 27 2014, 4:54 PM (582 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
psychiatrist edited Steps To Reproduce on T97406: Apartment buildings staircase (berezino) is bullet proof..
psychiatrist added a comment to T97051: Swaping between two weapons while raised & running keeps the player running..
this is an animation issue, will probably be fixed far off in the future.
psychiatrist edited Steps To Reproduce on T97048: If you get stuck at please wait and disconnect..
psychiatrist edited Steps To Reproduce on T94092: Dissapearing items on login..
psychiatrist added a comment to T89151: Cant use items, open doors, vault or interact with anything.
Try disabling firewalls, Anti virus etc, my friend had the exact same problem and disabling antivirus fixed it.
psychiatrist added a comment to T88199: SERVER HOPPERS [Feedback].
In the mod loot wasn't immediately rendered if you logged in...
1 Method is to create "danger zones" preventing logout (via same method as the mod) in areas that are considered high risk, that is military bases etc.
Reducing access to military sites would also help, as any pleb with shoes can run into a military base.
If the fences were whole and the sites were locked in some way so that you would maybe need a hacksaw to saw a chained padlock or something.... Anyways I digress.
Danger zones, problem fixed.