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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 11:24 AM (582 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
It also happens if someone respawns near the station. We used it to find fresh spawns. Everytime the gas station exploded we knew a new player spawned somewhere near.
Welcome to the zombie apocalyspe :).
Just head further north and you'll find a lot of loot.
Close this bug pls, there are already enough of these bug reports.
You propably got shot.
Where were you looting?
Did you play on the same server when that happens?
Do you play alone?
More infos pls.
Very rare but i can confirmed this bug with a Mosin. A friend got shot from a building without any sound. There were other people who couldn't hear where the gunshot came from. We found him later after he tried to shoot someone else.
Items only spawn on server startup so you probably wont find too much in cherno/electro/coast cities after an hour or two. Go further north and you find a lot of loot.
Item respawn was delayed for stability/early release.
This should work for you, too:
- Empty magazine to get the ammo in your inventory.
- Drag the ammo in the ammo box.
- Hold ammo box in hands to get the ammo inside the box.
You cant put magazines in the ammo box which is most likely how it is intended.
lol had a good laugh.
But seriously are there no mods/admins who could delete this stuff?
Also military tents with a wooden floor have no loot.
Also a comma is missing ->"Er wird erstellt, wenn du neu spawnst."