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- User Since
- Sep 22 2013, 9:06 PM (600 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
pravit added a comment to T75340: Campaign Adapt:"Exit Strategy" helo always spotted player.
Also tried going prone in small house with door closed. Helicopter spots you. I even blew up the truck I drove to the site with.
FYI for anyone with the same problem, one of the CSAT near the windmills has an AA launcher you can use to take out the helicopter even when it inevitably spots you.
pravit added a comment to T75340: Campaign Adapt:"Exit Strategy" helo always spotted player.
I too have this problem. Hid in bushes and I was the only member of my squad left. The helicopter ALWAYS spots you.
pravit edited Steps To Reproduce on T73194: AI does not use parachutes correctly.
pravit added a comment to T73192: In-game screenshot function is needed..
Whoops. Okay, ignore the part about "Stream friendly UI." The rest of the issue is still valid.
pravit edited Steps To Reproduce on T73192: In-game screenshot function is needed..