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User Since
Apr 13 2015, 1:34 AM (517 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

pengulord added a comment to T82415: rotor damage during slingloading with CSAT.

A friend and I tried to lift an ATV with the lift variant of the Taru, and it broke almost immediately. Another time I was able to carry an Ifrit several kilometers and it only broke when I started to slow down to drop it off. Almost lost the Ifrit and the Taru, but managed to get them both on the ground with minimal damage. This is content people paid extra for, and this thing can't perform the operation it was designed for. Lifting is the only reason for this chopper's existence. Can we please get some info as to the status of this bug?

May 10 2016, 11:02 AM · Arma 3
pengulord added a comment to T79701: rotor damage during slingloading with CSAT.

A friend and I tried to lift an ATV with the lift variant of the Taru, and it broke almost immediately. Another time I was able to carry an Ifrit several kilometers and it only broke when I started to slow down to drop it off. Almost lost the Ifrit and the Taru, but managed to get them both on the ground with minimal damage. This is content people paid extra for, and this thing can't perform the operation it was designed for. Lifting is the only reason for this chopper's existence. Can we please get some info as to the status of this bug?

May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3