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User Since
Apr 19 2015, 5:05 PM (515 w, 19 h)

Recent Activity

Sep 19 2017

pedeathtrian added a comment to T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.

Reproduced on recentrly updated version 1.70.

Sep 19 2017, 5:07 PM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian changed Operating System Version from Debian "jessie" 8.7; kernel 4.8.11-1~bpo8+1 (amd64) to Debian "stretch" 9.1; kernel 4.9.30-2+deb9u3 (2017-08-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux on T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Sep 19 2017, 5:06 PM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian renamed T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods from [legacyports; v1.64] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods to [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Sep 19 2017, 5:05 PM · Arma 3

May 4 2017

pedeathtrian removed a watcher for Arma 3: pedeathtrian.
May 4 2017, 12:31 PM

May 1 2017

pedeathtrian added a watcher for Arma 3: pedeathtrian.
May 1 2017, 4:19 PM

Feb 15 2017

pedeathtrian added a comment to T122378: Arma 3 Port (Linux) 1.64 CTD.

Opted out of 'legacyports' branch to main.
Nothing changed on my side. Not a single file in Arma 3 directory was updated since January, 2nd.
Naturally error 'Bad version 72 in p3d file ...' still persists.

Feb 15 2017, 2:35 PM · Arma 3

Jan 24 2017

pedeathtrian created T123021: [Linux Dedicated] Server will not load mod if mod root directory is read-only.
Jan 24 2017, 9:06 AM · Arma 3

Jan 18 2017

pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Jan 18 2017, 1:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian renamed T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods from [legacyports; v1.64] Dedicated server crashes when using some mods to [legacyports; v1.64] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Jan 18 2017, 12:35 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Jan 18 2017, 12:35 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Additional Information on T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Jan 18 2017, 12:22 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian created T122918: [legacyports; v1.70] Dedicated server crashes on start when using some mods.
Jan 18 2017, 12:13 AM · Arma 3

Dec 22 2016

pedeathtrian added a comment to T122378: Arma 3 Port (Linux) 1.64 CTD.

Here's my crash report, hope that helps.
Initial state: Arma 3 is opted into legacyports branch.
Actions taken:

  1. Shut down Steam
  2. Clear Steam's depotcache directory. (I was suggested to do so for more purity of experiment, shouldn't hurt anyway)
  3. Start Steam
  4. Opt out from legacyports branch back to main branch.
  5. Download required files by Steam.
  6. Run Arma 3 => CTD with same error "Bad version 72 ..."
Dec 22 2016, 6:09 PM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T122378: Arma 3 Port (Linux) 1.64 CTD.

Workaround: go to Steam and opt Arma 3 into legacyports branch using Arma3LegacyPorts as password. This will redownload Apex expansion in suitable format.

Dec 22 2016, 4:10 AM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

pedeathtrian added a comment to T82800: The muffler prevents to shoot from the gun. The design of mufflers should be corrected..

Shields, can you imagine a gun designer IRL saying something like "Nah, shooting is only slightly more difficult with the suppressor..."? Nobody would use this gun. Ever. And this is what you suggest, to not use these gun+silencer combinations in game.
Sorry, I can't assume your video as a valid argument. Real game is much more random than shooting targets in predefined locations. Pre-aiming will almost never work (as at 0:26). And btw your aiming slowed down significantly on moderate distance (0:53). Not saying targets were static and very contrasty to background.
As Lex stated, player might be forced to use some strict combinations by mission. Can you kindly ask all mission authors to fix their missions and prohibit those combinations?
EDIT. Ticket author's problem is those gun+silencer combinations are obviously not usable or of limited use.

May 10 2016, 11:16 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82523: AI always saying LOW AMMO with "LMG_Mk200_F" and 800 rounds.

Seems like AI counts only amount of magazines, belt boxes in case of MG's.
Also, when player takes Mk200 from some box, if there's enough space in vest and backpack, 4-5 boxes of ammo will be taken, which is usually too much. Regular AAF Autoriflemen have only 2 additional boxes.

May 10 2016, 11:05 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.

Could not reproduce in 1.46.131127.

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.

Aaaand you even don't need two backpacks. I reproduced issue this way:

  1. Get an empty backpack.
  2. Kill an enemy with backpack and open its inventory.
  3. Put your empty backpack to the ground while viewing deadman's inventory.
  4. Rightclick on deadman's backpack to move it to your backpack slot. => You now have enemy's backpack, AND enemy still has this backpack.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.

I had only one mod, and it was disabled.
I ran game as "Play unmodded" from launcher.
I completely removed my only mod and ran the game again ("Play").

All three times I was able to reproduce issue. Well, I don't know what to do now.

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.

Seems like it has nothing to do with placing backpack into another backpack.
'New' steps to reproduce:

  1. Get an empty backpack.
  2. Kill an enemy with backpack and open its inventory.
  3. Put your empty backpack to the ground while viewing deadman's inventory. Close inventory.
  4. Get another empty backpack somewhere else.
  5. Open deadman's inventory again. Now situation is the same as after unloading backpack from backpack in previous repro-list (as after 3).
  6. Rightclick on deadman's backpack to replace your backpack with this one. => You now have enemy's backpack, AND enemy still has this backpack.

Adam, can you please take a look at this issue again.

PS. Should I update steps to reproduce field in issue description?

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.

Hello, Adam. Double-checked it in 1.44.130654, the issue is still present. To put backpack into another backpack you need to drag-n-drop backpack from ground (or any container) to your backpack space, not your backpack inventory slot (just like in the video I provided link for; though the video was recorded yesterday in 1.42.130340, I recheked it before even posting Issue). Hope that helps.

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82368: Duplicating player's uniform with its containing items.

Fully reproduced in 1.46.131127.

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T82368: Duplicating player's uniform with its containing items.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82366: Unlimited amount of backpacks can be placed in vehicles and ammo boxes.

Not reproduced in 1.46.131127, but I'm still able to do following:

  1. Have full backpack in player's backpack slot.
  2. Have empty backpack in full vehicle (not enough space for full backpack).
  3. Exchange these backpacks => full backpack stored in vehicle though there were only space for empty backpack.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T82366: Unlimited amount of backpacks can be placed in vehicles and ammo boxes.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian added a comment to T82364: Cannot put more than one empty backpack into another backpack while there's still enough space.

Whoa, I can put multiple backpacks into backpack since 1.46.131127!

May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
pedeathtrian edited Steps To Reproduce on T82364: Cannot put more than one empty backpack into another backpack while there's still enough space.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3