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Dec 17 2013, 1:26 AM (588 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

northernlights added a comment to T88115: When I open the game, my screen flickers and then I just get black!.

Go to your My Docs Folder & delete DayZ + DayZ other profiles folders.
Steam > r/click DayZ, properties, local files, verify game cache.

You will have to reconfigure settings in-game after launch.

If still not working, or it breaks again after quitting DayZ - vote up issue 0000112

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T87594: Game Crashes On Startup.

Go to your My Docs Folder & delete DayZ + DayZ other profiles folders.
Steam > r/click DayZ, properties, local files, verify game cache.

You will have to reconfigure settings in-game after launch.

If still not working, or it breaks again after quitting DayZ - vote up issue 0000112

May 10 2016, 3:44 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

This happens on all Catalyst revisions I have tried, currently 13.12 release:

  1. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration) = crash to desktop
  2. Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
  3. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration) = DayZ Menu
  4. Quit DayZ (NO change to any cfg, settings etc)
  5. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration) = Crash to desktop
  6. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration removed) = Crash to desktop
  7. Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
  8. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration removed) = DayZ Menu
  9. Quit DayZ (NO change to any cfg, settings etc)
  10. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration removed) = Crash to desktop
  11. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration) = Crash to desktop
  12. Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
  13. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration) = Crash to desktop
  14. Launch DayZ (-disableShaderGeneration removed) = Crash to desktop
  15. Verify via Steam = '1 file failed to validate', re-acquiring.
  16. Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
  17. At this stage DayZ will ALWAYS go to menu with or without shaders enabled, but when DayZ quits the next launch always crashes.

Repeating steps 15 & 16 usually launches to DayZ menu. But when DayZ quits, things go wrong.

Will post Steam\logs\content_log.txt (integrity check log) when I get home.

Also my Steam username is 25 characters & is truncated in menu screen. Will that cause any problems?

Steam in Admin mode did not work any differently.

Tonights RAR:

Edited post for clarity, was a bit of a mess earlier...

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

No overclocking on CPU/GPU/RAM.

A/V is MS Security Essentials - disabled - added exception for Steam folder - no change.

Unity, Frostbite, Source & Unreal engined games are all running OK on my system from the same SSD.

SSD diagnostics = SSD is 100% ok

Here's the Steam log, sorry it's late, I work nights:

This stands out:
[2013-12-20 20:35:26] Validation: SHA mismatch "R:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\dta\bin.pbo"

Update: 0.30.113860 always crashes, usually before Bohemia logo -disableShaderGeneration on or off.

Steps from post above (0003746) do not launch to DayZ menu anymore. :( UPDATE - now working as well as previous patch - forgot to reboot!

Always this file corrupt: "R:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\dta\bin.pbo"
Steam replacement file is either ~32Mb or ~430kb with no pattern I can see.

Do you need any more files?

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.
  1. No mods
  2. DayZ data? Sometimes OK, sometimes not. See step 15 in next post.
  3. Have tried Catalyst 13.9, 13.11 beta9.2, 13.11 beta9.5 & will be trying 13.12 after work
  4. Only MS Sidewinder 2 Joystick & 3rd party Microphone
  5. Who runs Steam as Administrator? :) I will try this though.

I use dual monitors, 2 x 1920x1200, controlled by DisplayFusion. I am trying to run DayZ on primary monitor only. I have also unplugged 2nd monitor with no change. No eyefinity.

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

Tonights update:

Steam download/applied update 0.29.113822
Launch DayZ = Crash to desktop
Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
Success, after ~10sec on Bohemia Logo & 20 on DayZ logo I'm in!
Configure Video settings & Save
Quit & relaunch = crash to desktop
Check DayZ.cfg = full version
Verify DayZ via Steam integrity check = OK
Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
Launch DayZ = Crash to desktop

Have included the new dayz.cfg in the RAR:

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

Tonights update:
Got a few more seconds at Bohemia logo, then error.jpg (see RAR)

Steam applied new update
Delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
Launch DayZ = error.jpg (see rar)
Verify DayZ via Steam integrity check = 1 file corrupted - re-downloaded
Check DayZ.cfg = still truncated
Again, delete dayz/other profiles folders in My Docs
Re-launch DayZ = Back to original issue.
DayZ log update =

I should mention I am running multi-monitors, but not for the game, besides I have tried with a single monitor - no difference.

Also: Take On Helicopters, ARMA2,ARMA2:OA,BF,PMC are working OK.

I know they are not the same engine, but until I get a better suggestion I believe this indicates a dayz problem & not my PC.

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

Just did it again for fun - no joy

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

Windowed did not work for me...

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

My apologies, it was late & was desperate to try SA :)

Requested info is here:

Let me know if you need anything else.

<edit>And now dropbox is down...just not my day! File mirrored here:

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
northernlights edited Steps To Reproduce on T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.
May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ