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User Since
Dec 7 2015, 5:43 PM (482 w, 59 m)

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May 10 2016

nmiller1993 edited Steps To Reproduce on T85639: Game crash when "multiplayer" clicked at main menu.
May 10 2016, 12:43 PM · Arma 3
nmiller1993 added a comment to T85634: Game crashed, produces memory referenced and then status access violation.

At least your game worked. I bought this for myself and a close friend in the military so that we could play together while he is stationed at base. I can't even get into the multiplayer menu. If I click it, the game crashes. Tried all sorts of things to fix it, nothing worked. So I posted here hoping to get help. Waited a week and got one response that referenced a post that was completely unrelated. I responded several times thereafter and got nothing in return. Just reposted so here's to hoping we both get our problems solved.

May 10 2016, 12:43 PM · Arma 3
nmiller1993 added a comment to T85276: Game always crashes when I click "multiplayer" at main menu..

Adam, your link takes me to a page that is about voting. I would very greatly appreciate something that will assist me in fixing this issue. I spent $30 on this game and I must say, I am not pleased with anything thus far.

May 10 2016, 12:33 PM · Arma 3
nmiller1993 added a comment to T85276: Game always crashes when I click "multiplayer" at main menu..

This whole customer service interface is extremely frustrating. Adam, PLEASE help me with this issue. A $60 game should not require me to wait a month to fix an out of the box issue. I am not happy about the issue and this wait time is only making that worse, so your attention would be greatly appreciated.

May 10 2016, 12:33 PM · Arma 3
nmiller1993 edited Steps To Reproduce on T85276: Game always crashes when I click "multiplayer" at main menu..
May 10 2016, 12:33 PM · Arma 3