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- User Since
- Jul 16 2018, 10:49 AM (349 w, 2 d)
Jan 11 2019
Hey. I am the person who is on this video. I wanted to tell what I was doing and how this happened with the weapon.
When I played with a weapon, I immediately pressed a large number of buttons at the same time, additionally pressing SHIFT, ALT, CTRL.
When I took the CR-75 into my hands before the bug, I burned SHIFT and S (moved back). It seemed to me that the game did not have time to process my actions and executed the commands at the same time. Although I understand that this is extremely unlikely.
Oct 19 2018
Can't drop from hand too
Red color on armband bind
Jul 20 2018
I had this for 10 seconds. I sat down and it was lost.
Jul 19 2018
Thanks for your recommendations. Everyone I check.
Already now I can answer a part:
The probem is observed only in version 0.63. In version 0.62, there are no such problems.
After the removal of the game and the folder with the configuration files, and then the subsequent restoration of the game and the default settings, the problem remains.
The temperature is within the normal range. Checked. Does not exceed the permissible values (for me it is not more than 90 degrees Celsius).
Jul 18 2018
After uninstall DayZ with remove DayZ configuration files folder and install DayZ again - freezes don't leave.
Jul 17 2018
Today in Polyana, the game freezes in 10-30 seconds after connecting to the server. I tried on three different servers. I went about 10 times - every time the screen freezes.
Ok. Thank you.
Thank you for this opportunity. But help is not required.
To solve this problem, I went to the server with the maximum online and tried to call for help in the in-game voice chat. No one responded, then I began to transfer music to the voice chat and after 5 minutes someone shot at my character :) So this small problem for me was solved.
P.s. My steam id if needed in the future in the framework of my reports
Jul 16 2018
This seems to be the same issue I had here;
+1 attachment in your ticket
All you can do at the moment is avoid going into buses :)
Bad... so bad)
The character does not aim and can not shoot. (I tried to provoke a zombie to help push it out - it did not work out). I could not make the screenshot.