User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Mar 25 2014, 9:44 AM (572 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
mstrokin added a comment to T96586: Black female character gets white arms when she wears beige gloves..
duplicate of #33 - White arms on black male when wearing gloves
mstrokin added a comment to T96566: [Suggestion] break off Sticks from (some) trees.
duplicate of #9717
mstrokin added a comment to T96558: Hacked items.
duplicate of #9832 - 99 stack of ammo in striper clip for sks
mstrokin added a comment to T96481: zombies standing around swinging at invisible items.
duplicate of #9777
mstrokin added a comment to T96391: "Within 10 seconds the message was received".
english version of the bug: #9974
mstrokin added a comment to T96387: Unlimited ammo stack.
probably related to #9832 - 99 stack of ammo in striper clip for sks
mstrokin added a comment to T96137: Crafting sticks from small trees..
similar issues:
#8343 Sticks from Small Trees
#8764 Create sticks from furniture
#9389 Wooden sticks need to spawn in the woods, please.
mstrokin added a comment to T95886: getting shot at from outside the building while inside.
most likely duplicate of #2181
mstrokin added a comment to T95677: Built in cheat whenn deleting .pbo files (Question).
duplicate of #4774
mstrokin added a comment to T88603: [CRITICAL] Ability to remove structures ( trees, buildings, rocks, plants ) by deleting the .pbo files.
fixed in #4774
mstrokin added a comment to T88443: Plants2_Clutter, misc, tree...
this should be closed as #4774 is resolved now