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- User Since
- Dec 8 2013, 11:13 AM (583 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
mign555 added a comment to T77615: ARCO optics not zeroed in properly.
Appears the proportional distance that the impact is off to the right closely matches the previous reticle offset noted in issue 0018696. was the fix for issue 0018696 the cause of the current problem?
mign555 added a comment to T74829: MTP Combat fatigues always appear as worn texture.
Yep i get the feeling on a previous version the textures were different between the worn and the normal version, with the normal being the clean texture.
mign555 edited Steps To Reproduce on T74829: MTP Combat fatigues always appear as worn texture.