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- User Since
- Jul 23 2014, 7:02 PM (555 w, 1 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
miau edited Steps To Reproduce on T100984: Licking a 9V battery causes eating sound/animation.
miau added a comment to T100983: Can instantly find and eat apples.
Should clarify that you must also be crouching and surrendering for eating to be instant.
miau edited Steps To Reproduce on T100983: Can instantly find and eat apples.
miau added a comment to T100902: .45 and 5.56 ammo not spawning.
Agreeing with what Dawgstyl is saying.
miau edited Steps To Reproduce on T100900: You can run up/down any incline at max speed.
miau edited Steps To Reproduce on T100899: Soda cans can be re-drunk at the cost of an item of your choosing.
miau added a comment to T100844: Not hearing random gunshots.
Can confirm. Only had the issue with Mosins.
miau added a comment to T100719: Loaded 75 round drum on AKM, was prompted to switch to clip in inventory, drum disappeared.
Can confirm this is an issue with any type of magazine. They disappear if you have no room to store them (such as when replacing a large magazine with a smaller one, like a 10rnd vs. a 30rnd for the .22).
miau added a comment to T100384: Wooden floor canvas tents no longer spawn items.