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- User Since
- Feb 22 2015, 11:15 PM (526 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
metman98uk added a comment to T111569: 0.59/original post (5.6.15) - Black GP-5 Soviet civilian gas mask and a 40mm filter / more gas mask variants and usable filters.
cause skrubs will be skrubs
metman98uk edited Steps To Reproduce on T110445: Battleye blocks dxtory from capturing dayz.
metman98uk added a comment to T109847: Tents and gear dissapear.
Meh i didn't see them and better to report than not right? :D
metman98uk edited Steps To Reproduce on T109847: Tents and gear dissapear.
metman98uk added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.
quoting amask "Is not how are zombies, zombies for me, are slow and are dangerous because of their numbers"
dude these are not zombies; they are INFECTED the devs have stated this too many times
metman98uk edited Steps To Reproduce on T109580: Fresh Fruits are invisible on the floor in 0.55 exp.
metman98uk added a comment to T109372: Hacker found. I got GUID.
Not sure but they can't just ban somebody by you saying he was hacking even a video would be fine i guess.
metman98uk added a comment to T109372: Hacker found. I got GUID.
i think they are gonna need some proof. they cant ban him without any proof on if he was hacking or not ;)
metman98uk edited Steps To Reproduce on T108218: Cannot Suicide with stone knife.