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- User Since
- Feb 23 2015, 5:24 PM (523 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
meth3n00b added a comment to T108226: [SUGGESTION] There should be more drink option..
I feel like the menu would get a bit long if it has that many specific commands. Maybe "drink all" and then being able to cancel when you've had enough?
meth3n00b added a comment to T108182: The favorite list not work properly.
Same. I've never seen anything I've added to my favorites actually show up.
meth3n00b added a comment to T107599: Chem light and Flares fall threw the ground.
Ditto. Happens to me every time.
meth3n00b added a comment to T107447: 'Special' Inventory Slot Appears if Trousers Removed.
I was thinking you should be able to put one pistol under your belt, like behind your back, no matter what kind of pants you had on.