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- User Since
- Nov 26 2013, 5:28 AM (579 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
This is unfortunately not the case from attempting to use this feature. It works as described for every vehicle EXCEPT helicopters (and i am told by others all pilots).
whilst the command you posted DOES turn the light on, the AI pilot turns it off after 0.2 seconds.
The only current solution is to turn it on every 0.01 seconds via a sleep loop, which is not appropriate!
It does not matter what behavior your set it to, even in careless helicopters still turn off the search light (but leave the collisions on).
setting the unit, or yourself as captive makes no difference either (or both!).
Yes, although not directly a fix for the broken AI:
we found a solution that doesnt require a sleep command.
Create a script file and get the helicopter to exec that script.
In the script file put:
_type = typeOf _this;
_copy = _type createVehicle getPos _this;
_copy attachTo [_this, [0,0,0]];
_copy setPilotLight true;
_copy setCollisionLight true;
where _this is the chopper (dont need to rename the choppers, the _this is just for the script to work).
It clones the chopper, without a pilot and turns the lights on and attaches it to the existing chopper. In the first post (my post linked above) I found that waiting for ~30 seconds (sleep 30) after the chopper takes off before attaching the clone worked best -> sometimes they would explode if the ground was not perfectly flat, but in the air it wasnt an issue.
In summary to the Dev that posted: The AI Pilot will NEVER choose to leave the search light on with that command. No matter how you tweak it, the pilot AI turns it off (even if your both on the same side or captive).
Uploaded, let me know if the link is crap. This is from the last version prior to the ZEUS update.
I have been able to 'solve' the problem by downclocking to 900mhz for whatever reason, and I believe this is an ATI bug, however something in ARMA is calling on it regularly :)
Not sure if it is a 2d\3d interaction (viewing the map seems to be a reproducible cause)
Thanks in advance Astaroth
Sorry for the delay :O
This issue still exists :(
I think this issue is related to the Grey screen of death issue found in ARMA 2 with ATI 5XXX generation cards.
*Xeres, I should have said "as per Delta's" screen shot in the link.
Had a great 3 hours session :)
I dissabled SSAO and tree as per your screenshot, and was able (for the first time) to actually PLAY the game!
(Btw its a great game when you can play it!)
Xerxes, I have the same card and the same problem.
this issue and the linked below are the same, the images he shows are exactly what mine shows.
I believe these to be linked issues.
Incidental: I have run successfully, with no issues
Heaven, Valley, Prime 95, Furmark, Memtest86\86+, OCCT, 3dMark
All without issue, stable temps.
this is with my card @ factory stock settings
(ASUS r9280x-dc2t-3gd5-v2) which is hte directCU 2 Top variety.
As per the similar thread, I have the same problem:
Asus r9-280X Direct CU TOPII.
To make the problem "go away" and actually be able to play the game,
disable SSAO and Tree\grass option in the advanced options.
This doesnt "fix" the problem, just stops the crashes :O
I am debating RMA'ing my card.
Still current bug in 1.34: however I have found a work around through some testing with Lecks (full credit to Lecks from ASOR (also ASOR Gear Selector for finding this:
The hint is there for my current mission editor, remove at your discretion.
This function works:
(driver _this) setCaptive true;
(group driver _this) setBehaviour "Careless";
(driver _this) setBehaviour "Careless";
_this enablesimulation true; _this enablesimulationglobal true;
sleep 30;
sleep 30 is there to allow the choppers to take off if they are in uneven terrain. I had my units set as simulation disabled to start (to suit my mission). Otherwise they attach on uneven terrain and half the choppers explode!
_type = typeOf _this;
_copy = _type createVehicle getPos _this;
_copy setHit [getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeof _copy) >> "HitPoints" >> "HitHRotor" >> "name"), 1];
_copy attachTo [_this, [0,0,0]];
_copy setPilotLight true;
_copy setCollisionLight true;
_copy engineOn true;
(driver _this) setCaptive true;
This bug is still current in 1.32:
You added setPilotLight which is fantastic.. and works for every other vehicle, however all helicopters still do this.
Edit 1: For clarity
Helicopters which have search lights on them will NOT use them. You can force them to do it with the below script (and posted above), but it requires you to FORCE the light on every 0.01 second (to override the pilots 'turn off' action). This is inconsistent with every other vehicle in the game (and makes no sense)
I have tried a variety of things, setting them to captive, Setting to Careless. the old while {true} do { (driver _this) action ["lightOn", _this]; (driver _this) action ["collisionlightOn", _this]; sleep 0.01}; is the only way it seems to keep the light on.
Could you review the pilot AI behaviour, they are still turning it off it appears.
Tanks\APCS\Cars etc all work. Choppers...not at all
Still current in 1.34..
I guess Helicopters dont fly at night :O
There is a new work around, although I am still yet to confirm (one my clan mates found it (lecks) from gear selector.
Apparantly with the new patch, a heli with its rotors destroyed can be attached to the helicopter you want. Forceon the lights on the destroyed helicopter. apparantly it works..have yet to test.
Also happens with my R9-280X ASUS CU TOP card. exact same effect.
Will try out without FSAA ATOC