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medic_overseer (Jake Stoffer)


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User Since
Oct 24 2022, 7:40 AM (123 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 2 2023

medic_overseer added a comment to T172609: disableMultiAccountMitigation' (default = false) for private server .

Not sure if anyone has noticed but nitrado did add the mitigation option to the general settings menu. its just after enable cfggameplay. However, its not working. It doesnt appear to be working for anyone. And of course, just like before, they really dont know what im talking about. Anyway, if you check the checkbox and restart your server, its "supposed" to disable the timer

Jun 2 2023, 8:08 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
medic_overseer added a comment to T172735: Disable multi-account mitigation not working on Xbox..

Nitrado on 5/31/23 added the disableMultiAccountMitigation option as a checkbox in the general settings. Its right after enable cfggameplay. However, its not working. I talked with Nitrado and they really have no idea what Im talking about. they think that this option has existed for quite some time and it just stopped working. They kept trying to tell me that they cant change that setting and its in the code and I have to do it. I sent a screenshot and they finally started trying to look into it. The ticket has been open for 24 hours but nothing has changed as far as I know.

Jun 2 2023, 8:00 AM · DayZ Xbox