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Jul 19 2014, 5:41 PM (555 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.


Wow! Finally, someone understands what I am proposing! I thought I had suddenly developed the ability to type Swahili whenever I put my fingers to the keyboard. Thanks buddy, your comment helps support my proposal.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.

I am not necessarily talking about the actual weapons being able to lock the target designator. I just mean it would be nice if the PILOT can lock the laser designator (as if viewing a screen in the cockpit)just so he can see where the JTAC's point of aim is.

This way he can move in with the cannon/unguided rockets and hit what the JTAC is pointing at.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.


Sorry but I am a bit confused as to what you meant and I still don't think we are talking about the same thing!!

As you are aware, when playing in multiplayer and a coop player is looking through his laser designator and has the laser 'active', I will see on my plane's radar that a red square has appeared. I then have to 'lock' that laser designation (by pressing tab on the keyboard) so that I can then see a box on my screen labelled 'laser targeting device'. See above attached image.

I have noted that I can only 'lock' this laser designation when I have BOMBS selected.

All I want is the ability to press the Tab key on my keyboard (or any other that is assigned as 'next target') when using ANY of the aircraft's weapon systems when someone’s laser is active, so I can have the ability to see the 'laser targeting device' box mentioned above.

This would make it easier as the guy using the laser designator would be able to 'lase' say, mobile infantry and the pilot would be able to use his cannons on the exact point his coop buddy is looking at on his screen.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.


Are you suggesting using NV goggles whilst a coop player lases a target from his weapon mounted laser as a fix for this issue? This is all well and good and a nice feature during darkness hours but I want to be able to view the laser marker targeting box during the day too!!!

I am confused as to why my feedback issue suddenly become night vision related?

To confirm my original issue:

When I have bombs selected in the aircraft (both night and day) and a member of my team is lasing a target and I am locked onto it, at no point do I have don NV goggles to see this targeting box it just appears because I have LGB's selected. I propose being able to see this target box when ANY weapon system on the aircraft is selected.

Thank you for the acknowledgement.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.

"No, if there is no TGP visible on the model, why have the aircraft behave as if it had one?"

Because it's fun.
Because it makes for more engaging game play.
Because it would make the person using the designator more useful.
Because the person using the laser designator would have more presence on the battlefield.
because, because, because...

If you are that anal about detail, I could edit my post to include the line "Make sure you change the models to include visible targeting pods".

In fact whilst I am at it, I will also ask if the devs can change the inventory animations as this in not realistic enough and we should endure several seconds wait whilst the player model removes the daysack from his back, unclips the buckles, opens the drawstrings,and rummages about inside, moving his Snickers bars and dirty laundry out the way so he can find that torch attachment he 'was sure he had packed in there before he left the FOB'.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.

@ archimaede

The A10 has been fitted with targeting pods for years IRL. Considering the game takes place in the 2030's, it is perfectly plausible to expect targeting pods on all the attack aircraft in game.

I am only suggesting to be able to see where the laser is being pointed (in the absence of a PIP monitor in the cockpit)so that you can effectively engage targets on the ground. Why should I have to rely on my JTAC giving me a full description of the laytout of the land in relation to where the targets are, especially when thay might be constantly moving about, when I can just resort to observing exactly where the JTAC is pointing his laser.

I am not requesting that my unguided rockets and 30mm gatling rounds suddenly and magically become laser guided!

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.

Yeah, I would like to know that person's thought process as to why he thinks it is a bad idea. Would be nice to put the gatling gun on the A10 to better use instead of using the 'spray and pray' tactic.

May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan edited Steps To Reproduce on T78185: Laser Designation Visibility when flying.
May 10 2016, 8:45 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

Just give us the ability turn turn fatigue on or off in the game options. Its that simple. Everyone can enjoy the game no matter what side of the fence they sit on.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

Look, I love the ARMA franchise, the main reason for this being the realism though I agree the fatigue levels are ridiculous. Opinions are divided on this one so give us the option to turn it off.

If I can turn off head shake, then I should have the option ignore my character sounding like a man having horizontal refreshment in a 70's porno, having only run 300 metres.

Yes this is a milsim but its still a GAME people, which we allegedly play for fun. Will you really care that much if you don't have to concentrate on fatigue?

Go put 40 pounds on your back and run flat out for 40 minutes and let me know if you thought it was 'fun' when you are breathing out your balloon knot...

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
maskedkhan added a comment to T63980: The watch should display AM or PM.

If its dark, turn on night vision or your torch.

If it's light, crack on

May 10 2016, 1:08 AM · Arma 3